First Nations Australians

This page includes information for protecting bone health in First Nations Australians. Common health problems are often related to poor bone health, as well as, having a fall, and breaking a bone. 

Bone health message

Are your bones healthy? 

Your bone health can be affected by many different health problems. Some of these problems include:

For strong bones, your kidneys must be working well.

Kidney problems

For strong bones, your kidneys must be working well so that they can keep things in the right balance. If you have problems with your kidneys, this can lead to poor bone health. 

Rheumatoid arthritis can impact your bones.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can impact your bones in two ways. The inflammation can lead to weaker bones and some of the medicines to control inflammation in your body can lower your bone strength. It can also mean you do less exercise which is not good for your bone health or balance. 

Having high levels of sugar in your body can be bad for the strength of your bones.


Having high levels of sugar in your body (which can happen with diabetes) can be bad for the strength of your bones. This can happen with childhood diabetes or adults with Type II diabetes.

Liver problems can impact the building of your bones.

Liver problems

Liver problems can impact the building of your bones. If you have chronic liver disease, you should chat with your health worker. 

Vitamin D is very important for helping calcium get into your bones.

Low vitamin D

Your body mainly gets vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is very important for helping calcium get into your bones. Calcium is needed to help keep your bones strong. If your body does not have enough vitamin D, your bones will not be healthy.  

Thyroid problems can impact your bone health

Thyroid problems

Over active thyroid – this problem is where the thyroid gland makes too much thyroxine. This can impact bone in a bad way and if not treated can lead to poor bone health. 

Under active thyroid – people with this problem have a thyroid gland that makes too little thyroxine. The medication for this needs to be at the right balance or it can be bad for your bones. 

Specific medicines for prostate and breast cancer can have an impact on your bone health.

Certain cancer treatments

Specific medicines for prostate and breast cancer can have an impact on your bone health. You should chat about this with your health worker. 

If you would like further information on your bone health, please go to our Resource Hub

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (2019)

The survey results include information about ‘chronic conditions’, which are ongoing health problems.

Bone health was part of the survey and included self-reported results for osteoporosis. Nearly two and a half per cent (2.3%) of First Nations Australians surveyed reported having osteoporosis or osteopenia. The survey also showed conditions like kidney problems, diabetes and asthma were common health problems. All of these conditions can also impact bone health.

That’s why we encourage you to take steps to protect your bones and talk to your health worker if you have any worries about your bone health.

Useful links